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Why SumaGrow?

The technology of SumaGrow® has achieved superior results through vigorous research and development. The results to date have shown that crops treated with products containing SumaGrow® averaged increased crop yields, decreased agricultural inputs and healthier, hardier crops with greater nutrient density.

The technology of SumaGrow® has been tested and expanded through:

  • independent grower field trials

  • greenhouse studies

  • replicated plot trials

  • in-house laboratory experiments

  • specialized testing facilities

Products containing SumaGrow® have been tested on a large variety of crops including, but not limited to:

  • forage and hay crops

  • row crops (soybeans, corn, cotton, rice)

  • fruit, citrus, and vegetable crops

  • alfalfa

  • lawns and recreational turfs

  • ornamental plants

What is SumaGrow®?


SumaGrow® is an award-winning combination of carefully selected microorganisms proven to promote rich, fertile soil and work with the plant to supply the nutrients it needs when it needs them.


Products containing SumaGrow® support farmers in three important ways:


  • They are profitable: Farming must remain profitable to ensure the future of agricultural production and our global food security. SumaGrow® supports producers by maximizing crop production and reducing fertilizer applications by a minimum of 50 percent in most cases.

  • They are accessible and meet the producers' immediate needs: 

    • Crop Specific. Products containing SumaGrow® are offered in a variety of crop specific formulations including forage, food plots and golf. The agriculture formula supports the greatest variety of crops.

    • Cost Effective and Convenient to purchase. The cost of products containing SumaGrow® are well within or below industry standards. Plus, the added benefit of reducing fertilizer increases profits for the producer as well. Products may be purchased online, through local distributors or retail stores (where available).

    • Easy Application and Storage. Products come in a liquid form and may be used in conjunction with most other agricultural inputs. Products may be applied in single or multiple applications. Products do not have to be refrigerated as most competing biologicals demand. Simply store in a shaded area between 40-80 degrees to get the best product performance.

  • They support agricultural conservation: We are dedicated to building and supporting our farmers’ most valuable resource- the soil. Products containing SumaGrow® support reasonable and responsible land management and agricultural conservation in several ways:

    • Our products reduce soil erosion and vital topsoil runoff. By increasing the soil’s organic matter and reducing soil compaction, products containing SumaGrow increase the water holding capacity of the soil. This means less water remains on the surface to wash away soil and applied nutrients into nearby waterways and groundwater. This means the soil holds on to more water and nutrients for plant development.

    • Products containing SumaGrow® reduce and even eliminate fertilizer applications. This improves the health of the soil and decreases the damaging runoff of nitrates into waterways and groundwater.

    • SumaGrow® is all natural, organically based, and contains no genetically modified organisms. Additionally, Bio Soil Enhancers manufactures OMRI Listed products to meet the needs of organic producers.

  • Products containing SumaGrow® help:

    • Decrease input costs by reducing the amount of chemical fertilizer needed.

    • Improve water efficiency and moisture holding capacity for decreased watering needs.

    • Improve animal performance.

    • Increase the nutritional benefits of plants and forages.

    • Grow healthier, hardier plants more resistant to environmental stresses like transplant, extreme temperatures, and drought.

    • Improve soil fertility and tilth.

    • Increase the plant's absorption of fertilizer inputs.

    • Help balance soil pH thereby making nutrients more available to the plants.

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