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Our Story

Farmers Soil Food was founded in 2014 with the vision of creating win-win-win relationships.The first win is for our Earth, which benefits every time one of our products is applied to soil.The next win comes for the non-profit organizations that use our products to raise funds for their cause.The third win is for the ultimate users of our products, farmers who increase their crop yields and their profits and families with home gardens who now grow vegetables and fruits with higher nutritional values while decreasing or eliminating the use of harmful chemicals.An additional win is teaching our youth the value of sustainable farming and high quality nutritional foods.Finally, we offer an income opportunity for Moms and Dads to work from home and improve their family's quality of life, while maintaining balance in their lives.Farmers Soil Food is making a difference on our planet and that helps us sleep better every night.

How it works

SumaGrow® helps to restore and maintain soil health and fertility.

Products containing SumaGrow® can increase crop yields, reduce fertilizer dependence, and increase the nutritional values of food and forage crops.

SumaGrow®'s microbial formulation is suspended in an organic humic acid carrier.

For organic production, BSEI. has a SumaGrow® formulation that is OMRI Listed.

Soil health is fundamental to profitable and sustainable agriculture.

Vital organic matter and soil nutrients are often destroyed and mined out because of the overuse of chemical inputs, soil erosion, nutrient runoff, and unsustainable farming practices. SumaGrow®'s microbial formulation restores and maintains soil health and fertility in several ways:

    Biological Nitrogen Fixation - 95-99 percent of nitrogen in the soil is in an organic form that is not readily available for uptake by plants. SumaGrow® unlocks bound soil nitrogen and converts nitrogen from the air for the plant's use.

    Phosphate Solubilization - SumaGrow® solubilizes the bound phosphate and makes it available to the plant in a useable form.

    Mobilization and Mineralization of Available Plant Nutrients - It is not enough that a soil contains an element. What matters is its availability to plants. Mobilizing and mineralizing soil nutrients, such as bound phosphate, magnesium, and calcium into a form that is available for plant uptake is a vital role of the microorganisms and humic acid contained in products containing SumaGrow®.

    Saprophytic Competence - Products containing SumaGrow have a high saprophytic competence. This helps the microbes to compete with native soil microbes and allows them to perform their intended, beneficial functions.

    Soil pH - SumaGrow® promotes a gradient of optimal pH under extreme environmental conditions.

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